Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Hello everyone.
I’m writing to all of you to ask you to pray for my nephew Easton.

For those of you who may not know the whole story, I’ll fill you in a little. I’ll try and recap(as best I can) all that has gone on the last few months so you can better pray for Easton and his family.

My sister Angie’s son (Easton) was diagnosed with torticollis at 2 months. Right now Easton is just about 4 months old (2 weeks behind Elliot). This is a condition in a baby’s neck where the muscles are underdeveloped. Therapy is needed to strengthen these muscles. They are currently working with a therapist on this and he seems to be really improving. The other condition he was born with it Plagiocephaly. This is a condition that affects how the skull forms. A lot of babies have misshapen heads with flat spots and have to wear a helmet 23 hrs a day. Last week Wednesday they took Easton to get his head scanned to see if his condition needed a helmet. It does. They say on a scale of 1-5 (one is good and five is the worst case) he was a 5. So took a mold of his head to fit him for a helmet. He is scheduled to get the helmet on July 3 and needs to wear it basically all day (23hrs). Angie(my sister) received a call today from the people who make the helmet. The noticed something on his head scan that they wanted to talk to Angie and Kevin about before they made his helmet. Basically what they wondered about is if Easton was given an x-ray to see if he has Craniosynostosis. He had not so they sent him right away to get an x-ray this afternoon. We won’t know the results of this scan for 3-5 days. What they are now looking into is to see if parts of his skull have grown (fused) together prematurely. Most babies skulls are meant to not grow completely together till later to give the brain room to grow. That’s why babies have these soft spots on their heads. Well Easton’s soft spot is really not there. If the skull has fused together too much they will need to go in and separate it. Hopefully the scan will come back negative and they can go back to treating the other 2 conditions and not have more to deal with. This has been a lot for Angie and Kevin to take in for right now. Easton also has a cyst on his forehead that was scheduled to be removed in August. This is unrelated to the other issues but the cyst would be under the helmet and if they remove it, it might be hard for it to heal with the helmet over it. So they need to discuss this further with their doctors.

If you could all pray for Easton and his family that would be wonderful. It seems like every time Angie goes to the doctor they find something new wrong with him and that has been discouraging to her and Kevin. Hopefully this will be the last of that kind of news and they can just move forward to get him treatment for all of this.

If you would like to keep track of things, Angie is updating her website as well. http://www.millerfamilyoffour.blogspot.com/.

Thanks in advance. I appreciate you all taking the time to pray for my family.

Love Kelly