Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tee Ball here we come!

Okay..I'm actually caught up! These next few were taken yesterday! Hopefully I won't go so long between posts over the next few months...

Anyway...the kids decided they wanted to give Tee Ball a try this year. I'm so excited they are on the same team! That means only one game! Much more efficient! I'm sure this is the only year that will happen so I'm counting my blessings! Don't they look cute!


Easter...curlers the night before...

the morning...

Easter egg hunt with the Clarks!

waiting to go find the eggs

our kiddos!
dying easter eggs...or fingers?

cute curls! so grown up!

Girls day...Ang & I took Syd & Madi to a ballet!

Butterflies at FMG with Grandma & Bee

Look at the butterflies

School Carnival....

Madi & her friends

Carter & El


More March...

March...very busy..yet fun month for us.

Here is Chad's Basketball team...we were lucky enough to be there the night they clinched the OK Silver Conference for Basketball! So exciting for those kids and for Chad! Go Godwin!

New furniture! We decided for our 10 year anniversary we'd buy some new furniture for our living room...10 years ago our first major purchase as newlyweds was our purple it seemed fitting to do it now at 10 years!

Snow fun! Building forts.

the boys

the girls

the dads...

lunch on a snow day!

Family night for the new school! Watch out...these 4 neighbor boys are all the same age....I look at this shot and wonder if someday we'll be showing it again at graduation!

hot cocoa after fun in the snow

Easton's birthday party

the girls love to sneak off by themselves

Cool cake Angie did for Easton!

Fun with friends...and stickers!

Nemo on Ice! Papa & Grandma P thought it would be fun to take the older kids to Nemo! It was a blast...the kids loved it!

enjoying a slushie!

Hanging out with Grandma

Great Grandma's 80th!

Here we are celebrating Great Grandma's 80th! Wow! How fun. It was great to see so many of our family in town for the day! Great to catch up!

Grandma & her kiddos!

Our crew with Grandma!

Angie's family

Dana's family

Our family