Monday, January 12, 2009

Out of Surgery

Well, we’re glad to be home. Elliot is doing well an resting in his bed. Everything this morning seemed to go fairly well. Here is a recap of this morning if you are interested.

We got to the hospital by 6:15. I took Elliot into the restroom to be changed and noticed some hives on his legs and belly. When we saw the nurse we showed her and she said it was fine, they’d just monitor it throughout the morning. He still has some now but they don’t seem to be a concern, so we’ll just give him some Benadryl and see if that helps them go down. Maybe he knew more than we thought what was going to happen today! Before surgery started we talked to the doctor about his ears as well. So far he had had 2 ear infections in December. I thought he had another one this morning and was right. So while he was in srugery they put tubes in his ear as well. We were very thankful for this so we didn't have to go back again in a couple of weeks. But the surgery lasted a little over a half an hour. When we finally got back to see him and he was crying pretty hard. It took us over an hour and several rounds of morphine to calm him down. They also gave him some medicine for the nausea. During surgery his breathing dropped really low so they couldn’t use as many narcotics as normal to help with his pain without risking putting him on the ventilator…so it just took longer than normal to get him comfortable after he woke up. They did monitor his breathing somewhat after surgery. He was very raspy and his right long seemed to crackle quite a bit but in time he finally coughed a lot of that up and it really cleared up his breathing. The nurse even heard him breathing so loud out in the hall..but is oxygen levels were always good so they said it would just take time. It reminded me of when the kids were first born and they kept making that snorting noise to clear out their lungs. After recovery we spent some time back in outpatient letting him sleep some and continue to work of the anesthesia. Now we are home and just letting him rest. I think the hardest part of the day was trying to calm him while he was so uncomfortable. I just wanted to take his pain away. We are so grateful for some many emails, posts and calls to check on Elliot. Thank you all so much for your support.

We appreciate it!

Jonathan & Kelly


millerfamilyoffour said...

Love you lots buddy. Wishing you a fast and easy recovery. Aunt G.