Saturday, March 21, 2009


So we took off to Philadelphia for 4 was such a nice break from life! We can't thank the Grand Parents enough for all they did watching the kids. It was so good to just get away the 2 of us again for a bit! Very relaxing! Jon had a conference out that way so that is why we chose Philadelphia. Overall I wasn't thrilled with the city...felt on edge most of the time..just a different city....but it was so nice just sleeping in, working out and reading my books. Lots of me time!

So we decided to copy that commercial where the dad takes his daughters toy along and took a bunch of pictures with them in it...We posted them for the kids each day and they had fun with it.

Plus it was nice because it made me feel like they weren't as far away....

the view from our hotel...we were high up..29th floor.

looking out the hotel...

This is inside the Kimmel Arts Center...very cool building.

It had a roof top Garden....I stay way away from the edge...

Admiring the Architecture :)

I spy two toys! Hard Rock Cafe for dinner.

This painting was of the room where the Dec. of Indep. was signed...

Us in Indep. Hall

The Bourse shops...

the libery bell

This was for Chris & Maggie.... their new little one is named Gigi...short for Georgia...awesome story

the city of brotherly love...

City hall...