Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Back home from the allergist

Today we took Elliot to the allergist. Let me first say...I love this place! What a great doctor's office (GR allergy)!! We first met with the doctor and went over his history thus far...I don't know how I'm keeping all his medications straight anymore....maybe that's why I forget everything else!! There's no more room in my brain! Anyway...they went ahead and did an allergy skin test and he didn't react to anything. This really surprised the doctor. He did maybe have a reaction to dogs...but it was not even measurable. So the doctor looked at me and said..."Okay I know you're frustrated because we know something is causing him to be sick, and I'm pretty sure he's allergic to something..I just don't know what it is!" This is part of the reason they wanted to wait till he's older to do this..because(from my understanding) is that the body won't show a reaction to things until you're older and have been exposed more. So if we do the same test again at age 4 it will more likely tell us what he's allergic too. Hmmm...reminds me of me getting allergies at age 30! Go figure! So sometimes you're allergic they just can't tell you what to avoid. They did diagnose him with asthma for sure. She said with his eczema as bad as it is, and the wheezing getting worse now with every cold, and he seems to be responding well to the Pulmicort (inhaled steroid) all these indicate some level of asthma. So they are keeping him on the Pulmicort indefinitely and we got some new tips on how to treat his eczema better. So overall the kid was a trooper! I tell you...he puts up with so much! So the visit was very informative in a lot of ways..I just wish we knew what was making him react so we could avoid it...but most likely he'll end up on allergy shots down the road. At least the doctors are agreeing and working towards a solution. Its just going to take time. They did also mention when he turns two we can get him a different vaccine that helps prevent 7 more somethings (those big words didn't fit in my brain today!:))....some of the things it prevents is one of the things they found in his adenoid when that was removed. Towards the end of the visit Elliot was really done with being there and I still had a bunch of questions...so the doctor went out to find a nurse, got an inflatable ball and the nurse played catch with Elliot while we talked. Isn't that fabulous!!! Well that enough for now! Thanks again for your prayers for him.