Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Vacation - Day 3

Day 3. We got up Sunday morning and left S. Illinois and headed for Chicago. As we approached St. Louis the ramp to the bridge across the Mississippi was closed so we had to detour. It brought us down right next to the we decided to take a potty break there! I'm so glad we did. It was fun to get up close to the Arch and check it out.

The Architect....analyzing!
We then went under the Arch to the Western Expansion Museum to look around. Elliot was sure this was a "TV" not a "TP". Too cute!

Here we are watching boats on the Mississippi

Next stop..lunch in Springfield. Here we met Aunt Deb & Uncle Ray for lunch! So good to see them and catch up!
fast asleep...
LEGOland! The kids were so excited...they couldn't figure out why I wanted a picture...they just wanted in!
All smiles!
Miniland - they had an exhibit of Chicago all made from Lego's!

Dad couldn't resist a photo op with Obama!
4D movie!

We ended the night with Dinner at TGI Fridays....not much was open at 9 pm on Sunday!