We forgot to take any pictures earlier during the day. We went to Great Grandma Medendorp's (Kelly's Grandma) for Turkey Dinner. She still fixes everything for us all and its so good! I'm so amazed at how she does all this food and doesn't run around at the last minute trying to time it all....it just all comes out hot at the same time...and delicious of course!
Madi & Mom
They loved waiting for the balls to come back up the ball return. Isaac would run right back to his spot right after he threw the ball down the lane.
Madi & Papa Clark
This was the crazy guy! This is actually one moment he was standing still. Most of the time he was running circles and in everyone elses lane or climbing on the balls. We took him home a little early just to "settle" down...if there is such a thing for Isaac!
Alright...a belly shot! Which one is bigger...my belly or the ball! I guess its time to show this little one off! I know some of you who live far a way have wanted to see me!
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