Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Dentist!

Well it was time to go to the Dentist! This was Isaac's first time. Madi was so sweet...she wanted to go first to show Isaac how it all was going to go. She sat right in the chair (usually she's laying on me) and smiled through the whole thing. It was so sweet. Isaac watched so intently! He couldn't wait for his turn. When it was his turn he sat so still- I had to double check to make sure that was Isaac in the chair!! My child never sits that still. They then both did great while I got my teeth cleaned. I could not have asked for my kids to act any better!!

Elliot stayed with Grandma Clark...she was so excited to have time with him all by herself. I'm glad the morning went so well!

Afterward they picked their prizes..go figure..we get their teeth cleaned and they are obessed with ugly teeth!

I couldn't get him to do it again....oh well...eyes closed its still fun!