Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Hey you guys! Just thought I’d update you on Elliot..took him in since he’s green again for 2 straight weeks…the doctor said no ear infection, just fluid in his ear like the last 2 times…so he figures it’s another sinus infection and put him on an antibiotic. He thinks his adenoids are enlarged so he’s going to try him on a nasal spray everyday to see if we can cut down on the green drainage…and hopefully cut down on how much he needs antibiotics (this is number 3 in 2 months)….if this doesn’t work they’ll consider removing his adenoids, but that’s down the road. The rash on his face is just more irritation due to the eczema. So he’s not allergic to the foods, they just make him break out into the rash…so we’ll just have to watch him with that and try and use more aquafor before meals to protect him.

Just thought I’d update you all.