Wednesday, December 31, 2008

More Christmas

The kids thought id would be fun to all sit in boxes! go figure!

The poor guy! We told him he had to wait to open his new "Kingdom" until we got home. We were worried the pieces would get lost. He sat there just looking at it forever! What mean parents! He did have lots of other toys to play were weren't that mean!

Here we are after church. I loved going as a family to the Christmas eve service. A good memory was Elliot jumping on my lap. He just loved all the music and bounced around to the beats! At one point one of the songs the singers were really reaching some higher notes and it got pretty loud...well Isaac decided to join in spontaneously and screamed out the words with them into the lady's ear in front of us....Jon and I just laughed..another great parenting moment..but it was hilarious! Sorry....whoever got the earful.

AFter we got home we read the Christmas story with the kids and set out a plate for santa. they went right to sleep! I think it took Madi a whole minute to fall asleep!
the next morning Isaac was the first awake....he came running in our room and said - "mom, his paper is different than ours!" Good thing daddy got some paper from Grandma & Grandpa Clark the night before!! Whew- disaster avoided! But they were so excited!