Saturday, December 13, 2008

Our Christmas!

EVery year we set aside the first Saturday in December to do "Our" christmas with the kids. We've tried to set this as our tradition because Christmas Day and Christmas Eve get so busy with family that we wanted one whole day with just our kids. This year we were afraid the snow was going to keep us from going..but we braved the weather. It was good we headed out so early in the morning because the roads were still in good condition when we headed out...the way home was a little slower..but i'm so glad we ventured out.

We started the night before with a Christmas movie on year we'll rent our own...we had stop watching for some "language" we didn't approve of! But I think the kids just liked snuggling...
Isaac had made his fire truck earlier in the day. At one point he grabbed my camera and took this next shot all by himself. I think he was very excited about his firetruck! Nice composition bud!!!
Here are the kids "freezing!" We getting all bundled up to go cut our tree!
Riding out to the tree!

Our tree!

Elliot and I waited in the barn for them to return...he had fun looking out the window!
On the way home we hit Burger King so the kids could play on the toys!
Check out Elliots new word....I love it!
Next came presents! Jon drew up a floor plan of the house (go figure) of where the kids presents were hid..we had to help them "read" the plans of course...but they soon found them!
One of the gifts was matching PJ's - moms favorite!
Do you think she's sick of pictures?
or just being silly!

Lastly we decorated the tree. The kids were finally old enough to let them do most of the tree themselves!

Setting up the was fun because Madi kept interupting Jon with how the story should go! She's got it down pretty good!

Overall it was a great day!!!