Monday, February 16, 2009

elliot's tongue

Here are some pictures of the tongue! I posted earlier how he got this (if you missed it check back here). I think the hardest part for me of all of it was when he'd roll his tongue and show you the inside...I did not do well with those visuals! Good thing I'm not a doctor..

extreme close up...
His balance did improve over the weekend, so no CAT scan for him. We go tomorrow (Tuesday) to have a sweat Chloride Test done...this is to check for Cystic Fibrosis. Then we meet with Infectious Disease on the following Tuesday and will hopefully have the results from this test by then and see where to go from there. So hopefully Elliot will just start to feel better and we can get through this week without having to go back in for anything. So we're just waiting...sometimes its hard to just sit and wait. I find myself just assuming that the infection is just going to come back no matter what we try and get really negative but then I try to remember that no matter what God has a plan. HE knows whats wrong or not wrong with Elliot and I know I can trust HIM no matter what my flesh feels. I'm so greatful for all the support and prayers from so many people. I'm amazed all the time of a new comment or email from someone I haven't talked to in forever...and its uplifting to think they took the time to read about my son and say a prayer for him. Thanks!