Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tball & Machine Pitch

This year the older two kids were on different teams...playing the same night and same time...but different fields! So Jon & I split up and each took a kid for the night and flipped a coin to see where Elliot went (usually the field with out a play structure!) Even though we were at different fields it was so much fun to watch the kids. I'm thankful for texting...we could update each other when big plays happened....or games were delayed for a hot air balloon launch! Only in Caledonia! But really....the kids had made huge strides since last year. They both loved it and are excited for next year. They still ask us to go out and play catch at least a couple of nights a week. Here are some shots from the season.

Elliot brought his truck to most every game and filled it with dirt....in between watching the kids or yelling at them about what to do! I think he thought he was the coach...or just wanted to be in charge!

being like the big kids!

playing catcher

Isaac's ready position!

just too tired!