Friday, February 24, 2012

Great Wolf Lodge!

For Christmas, Jon's parents bought us a night at Great Wolf Lodge! How fun is that! The kids were trilled! I couldn't resist a picture of the snow as we headed on our way!
 Do they look excited to you?

 Very ready to go inside!
 Checking out our room!
 They couldn't believe they had their own TV!

 Calling Grandma & Papa to tell them all about it!
 Hitting the slides!
 Chillin in the River!
 These lily pads were a favorite for all 3...

 Not sure what the look is about...but it makes me smile!

 A little craft time.
 Getting some ice cream! 
 They thought this was pretty cool too!
What a great trip! We even ran into our neighbors when we got there! Small world!!!