Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Around the house...

So one day I headed in to wake up El to go to the bus stop and found him like this...too funny!

Then I woke him up and this is what I got! Guess he wanted to sleep more!

Science Experiment a mom can only play legos so much! I had to switch it up one day...we looked online for some fun/easy science experiments and found these.

The colors aren't the best..but he had fun! Not a great picture but this is suppose to be teaching him how different liquids have different can read up on it here.

This one he LOVED and so easy! We did it a couple of different times to show everyone as they got home that day!
Couple of drops of food coloring in milk...
then add 1 drop of dishsoap! Watch the molecules disperse...

A warm day...had to get out!

wearing dads shoes!