Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Our Christmas with the kids!

Every year we take the kids out the first week of December to cut down our tree. We have gone to this place for 3 years now. This was the first year the kids remember all that we did and counted down the days till we could go as a family. That was so exciting that they looked forward to OUR day so much. We wanted to set aside one day with the kids getting our home and hearts ready for the season. It seems like everything is so busy the days before Christmas and we were excited to set a tradition earlier in the season when life doesn't feel as busy! So we bundled the kids up and headed out.
Isaac helping to keep Elliot close by!

Ready to board the wagon...Elliot loved watching the horses.

The family shot...

Making snow angels!

Elliot could not figure out why we made him lay in the snow??

Picking the tree...

Cutting it down...

Warming up with cocoa & popcorn
After we got our tree we usually head to McDonalds to let the kids play at the playland...but we had to change that up a little bit and grab it to go since Elliot was soooo tired. Check him out in this video trying to stay awake...too funny!

Once we got home we let the older kids open "the big gift" while Elliot slept.
Here was their reaction...I think they liked it.

Mommy & Elliot

Isaac's year to put the angle on top!

I have this thing about the kids matching Christmas morning so we always get them a new pair of Jami's on this weekend so they can wear them for Christmas! so after Tubbies we got them to sit nice for a picture...

Then we took the family shot...

What a great day!!! Even though this was not "the real Christmas" according to was the best day! We loved just being together as a family!