Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Big Boy Bed!

My baby is no longer a baby! We decided to take down the crib when Elliot decided to climb out of it! One morning I heard this big thud...yup...he climbed out only to land on this it was time! Since we had a long Thanksgiving weekend we thought, no time like the present! The first night was great. We got the room all set up...took apart the bunks and gave elliot the top bunk with the rails on the floor...and Isaac got the other bed across the room. In 15 mins both boys were asleep. Crazy...definitely not how it went with the other two.

Here he is sleeping...yes I'm that mom that went in at 11 pm and used my flash for a picture!

He has done pretty well since that night. The night times are great...he does get up a little early some days(5:30 twice, but who's counting)...its naps that are the hardest. I know I had it so good because he was still taking 4 hr naps in the day (2 morn, 2 afternoon) and then 11 at night...and now he's getting maybe 1 hr a day. Eventually I think he'll figure it out and get back on schedule. The hardest part is realizing how fast all this went. I know..everyone says it goes so fast...but I don't know that I was ready for it. My babies are getting way too big!